Turbulent Berry



Korg Volca Beats

Roland Aira TB-3


Blamsoft Viking Synthesizer

New Fangled Audio Pendulate

This was the first track I recorded using the Korg Volca Beats. After buying it I had played around with it, taking it on buses and trains and enjoying playing around with beats on the move without having to think about fitting them to anything else. I recorded about 15 minutes of performance with the Korg Volca Beats as a base for the track.

I forget now whether the pattern on the Roland Aira TB-3 is one the stock patterns or one I programmed, but that came second. I chopped up the best bits of the drums and with a bit of copying and pasting created a large amount of space to record into. I recorded one take of Roland Aira TB-3, after several practice runs, and ended up using it in its entirety.

There were a few experiments after that trying to find something that worked over the top, settling on a very simple set of notes (root, minor third, fifth) on the Blamsoft Viking Synthesizer using a suitably resonant sweeping boing sound.

Feeling that it lacked enough low frequncies I copied the note track from the Blamsoft Viking Synthesizer and fed them into New Fangled Audio's Pendulate and created a nasty, deep, throaty growl kind of a drone.

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